Our story

I started my sourdough journey in late 2019. I wanted to bake delicious and fresh bread for my family and started experimenting with different recipes. For my birthday in 2023, my husband bought me a grain mill which I had been wanting to get for years. Ironically, incorporating freshly milled grains into my baking became such an unexpected challenge that I became discouraged from baking for a while.

After our second child was born, I started craving an outlet for my creativity. I was spending so much time being a mother and being someone else’s employee that I felt like I needed to do something for myself. I dusted off the grain mill and started baking again. I wanted to share my passion with my friends and community, and so, Gluten Tag was born.

Array of baked goods falling into basket.
Sweet pastries on stacked on tabletop.
Freshly baked bread with ingredients on cutting board.

Our ingredients

There’s no denying that quality food stems from quality ingredients. You can’t walk down a bread isle these days without being inundated with unsavory words and phrases like “enriched”, “bleached, “HFCS” and “food contains GMO’s”. We are working to establish relationships with local farmers and purveyors for our grains, flours and inclusions, and take pride in always sourcing ethically and clean.